Saturday, November 5, 2011

using Microsoft Message Queuing and System.Messaging

Microsoft has provided a wonderful Queuing framework .It is known as Microsoft message Queuing .This can used for data storage during failure at the same time send message between two processes in the same machine or  2 different machine

In case of 2 processes in a local machine we use Private Queue
In case of 2 processes in  2 remote machines we use public  Queues

The message Queue Installation is available in Add remove Windows Components Message Queuing

After installing the same .you will able to  create an use Message Queues
The Queues can be created by following  the steps

1.       Start CompMgmt.msc
2.       You get MessageQueing Sub menu
3.       You can Select  Private and Public Queues and Select  New
4.       Enter the Queue Name
5.       Select  Transactional and Non-Transactional 

6.       The public queue name format is  machine-name\public$\Queue-Name
7.       The private queue name format is machine-name\private$\Queue-Name

I have written an article in this blog that demonstrates a QueueServer and a QueueClient.
The Queue Server pushes the message to a private Queue with name test Queue
The Queue Client Recieves the message and displays it on the console

The Queue stores the messages that is Enqueued and Dequeued in the first in first out order

Messages contain 3  important parts  which I have used
Label –unique id for the message

Formatter – the way in which message is stored it may be binary,text,xml or custom .

Body – The field which stores the message .
The message can be retrieved by the client in Synchronous and Asynchronous fashion
I have used asynchronous mechanism to retrieve the messages in the message queue client side
Following is the example 

Queue Server

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Messaging;

namespace MessageQueueServer
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //create a Queue if it doesnot exists
            if (!MessageQueue.Exists(@"mycomputer\private$\testQueue"))
                //create a message queue

            //instance representing the Queue
            MessageQueue Queue = new MessageQueue(@"mycomputer\private$\testQueue");
            int messagecount = int.MaxValue;
            int messageindex = 0;

            while (messageindex < messagecount)
                //create messages
                Message QueMessage = new Message();
                //unique id for the message
                QueMessage.Label = messageindex.ToString();

                //can be any information
                QueMessage.Body ="m"+ messageindex;

                QueMessage.Formatter = new BinaryMessageFormatter();

                //send the message to the Queue
                Console.WriteLine("pushing message no " + messageindex + "to " + Queue.QueueName);



The code above pushes the messages to the Queue

Queue Client

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Messaging;

namespace MessageQueueClient
    class Program
        static MessageQueue queue;
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //access the queue
             queue = new MessageQueue(@"mycomputer\private$\testQueue");
            queue.ReceiveCompleted += new ReceiveCompletedEventHandler(queue_ReceiveCompleted);
            //start recieving the message

        static void queue_ReceiveCompleted(object sender, ReceiveCompletedEventArgs e)
            //recieve the message from the Queue and close it until one message is processed
            Message message = queue.EndReceive (e.AsyncResult);
            Console.WriteLine("Message recieved with id:" + e.Message.Label);
            //format the message to retrieve the data
            e.Message.Formatter = new BinaryMessageFormatter();
            Console.WriteLine("Content in the Queue:" + e.Message.Body);

            //open the queue for recieving


The code above is a Queue Client  and receives the messages from the Queue Server      
Run the Queue Server and then the Queue Client and enjoy the example.

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